
写真を愛した祖父の影響からN.YのParsons School For Designで写真を専攻。The Center of Alternative Photographyでは写真の更なる理解を深める為、19世紀の写真技法に取り組む。School Of Visual Arts Photography Residency Programに参加。コンピューターミュージックをUCLA付属校で学び、後にBerklee College Of Music Professional Songwriting Certificate Programを修了。ニューヨーク大学ITPでは、映像と音楽のインタラクティブな作品を制作。
個展を東京アメリカンクラブ、東美アートフェア 永善堂画廊、 銀座靖山画廊、心斎橋大丸美術画廊、日本写真学院 他 グループ展を渋谷西武美術画廊、国立新美術館、東京都美術館、The center of fine art photography、Soho photo gallery 他 多数個展・グループ展を開催。東京芸術劇場プレイハウス Festival Tokyo 他にて様々なアーティストと前衛演劇に出演。国内外にて活動を行う。
Born in Tokyo. Influenced by her grandfather, she majored in photography at the Parsons School of Design in New York and went on to study 19th century photographic techniques at the Center for alternative photography to further deepen her understanding of photography. She also participated in the school Of visual arts photography residency program. Studied computer music at UCLA extension and completed Berklee College Of Music Professional Certificate Program in songwriting.
At New York University Interactive Telecommunication summer program she experimented with performance art that combined her two passions of visual and music expression.
She continues to hold exhibitions both in Japan and overseas. She has held solo exhibitions at Tobi Art Fair Eizendo Gallery, Gallery Seizan Ginza, Daimaru Shinsaibashi Art Gallery, Japan Center of Photography and other venues. Participated in group exhibitions at Seibu Shibuya Art Gallery, National Art Center Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Center for Fine Art Photography and Soho Photo Gallery and many more.
She has appeared on Avantgarde theatre with many artists and collaborated exhibitions with artists from different background. At Parsons school of design she was invited to give a speech for summer program students and has taught alternative processes at photography school in Tokyo.
"I was fascinated by my grandfather taking photographs and from as far back as I can remember, I carried a camera around shooting whatever took my sight. It was the experience of a lose of my grandfather while living overseas that opened my eyes afresh to the mystical beauty of Japan’s nature and prompted me to lend an ear to the memories and tales concealed in its interstices. These photographs were mostly taken by 35mm film and 6×6 format camera. As I stand in one place for hours in the nature I start hearing sounds of a hidden voice as if the nature is communicating and sending message. Opening and closing the lens is almost like inhaling and exhaling while the longest exposure could be 45-60min. These colors in the photograph appeared during developing. I hope to continue to take photographs that probe what lies beyond the visible world. "